Monday, February 14, 2011

Finding Time

Why is it that we make time for everyone but the one we love the most? And why is it we accuse them of the same thing, when it is all really just relative?

Our calendars fill up and our lives unfold but we fly through time and events without the littlest thought. It seems that when I talk to anyone couples, friends, and families, it is the same complaint. I can’t believe February is half over. Time is flying. I am so busy. My so-and-so is so busy.

How are we to cope? Should I slow down my life, but then would I loose myself in this relationship or my identity? Should I pencil in my loved one? Or maybe set up recurring weekly event in my iPad; so at least the relationship will have scheduled face time.

If I knew the answer (which I wish I did) I suppose I would not be pondering this right now.

So for Valentines Day, perhaps we could pencil our loved ones in or better yet enter it in iPad (we might be more willing to stick with it, pencil is erasable, you know).

Saturday, February 12, 2011

view from a coffee shop downtown

Busy people
People walking
Sidewalk sounds
Shuffle shuffle
Click and clack
Shuffle shuffle
This and that

Whispers yelling
Cell phones singing
Keyboards clacking
This and that

Busy people
People walking
Pavement pungent
Coffee sloshing
Cigs are smoking
Street food sellers
Of this and that

Busy people
People walking
Busy people
This and that.

Monday, January 31, 2011

The weather leaves me so unsatisfied.

What is about the weather that leaves me so unsatisfied?  Leaves me wanting more...  In Autumn I cannot wait for the holidays and the winter chill with snow capped mountains.  In the winter, I miss dogwood blooming and tree-lined streets fresh and flush with just birthed greens. But then the spring seems to make me fantasize about the beach and long walks on sand that slightly scorches. However in the summer, I buy knee high boots and dream of placing them with the perfect scarf.
So I guess I will never be happy and in New England I must stay. Because one thing about the weather here, is that it must always change.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Some Thoughts on Christmas

As we enter the holiday season in full force, I notice now how lovely christmas cheer truly is. It is so interesting to me how in the shortest of days, we are able to find the most valid reasons for seeing old friends, gifting small treasures and spreading garlands of joy from near to far. Is it merely a human trait to thrive in dismal weather and limited light by clinging to hope and perhaps even some frivolity? I guess it could be said it is pure commercialization and we just love spending the ever present dollar. But these are century old traditions and whether it is Christmas, the Solstice, the New Year, or Hanukkah, we thrive in its glory. It is now that we decorate our homes, raise our glasses to one another, and relish in charitable deeds.
So as we enter this holiday season in full force, I invite you to embrace the season and all of the joy that it may bring you and you may bring others.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Friday and i must work...

Well, as i sit here in my bed (don't judge i did work all night), i think i must update the masses on my life. I think i may have scared half of everybody i know by saying i cannot wait to be single, but I was just expressing my inner turmoil. However, I remain happily married. 
Though it seems to be a great deal more work than i could of imagined. And if i have to talk about my feelings or even figure out what i am feeling one more time, i may just barf. 
On a lighter note, it is friday and I must work. This is the downfall of a nursing career. Once i get to work, I am fine, but the prep for it is brutal. First i have to talk to all of my monday thru friday nine to five working friends and listen to their plans for the weekend. Then i call my mom and she tells me how she is going out to dinner and then i get to talk to my husband and watch him get all weird because he doesn't want to tell me he has awesome plans. For some reason i have to put myself through this very necessary self torture to conjure a great deal of hate for my job. But don't worry once i get there i am fine. At least i can complain about it to you and my patients (just kidding). 
This tirade is awful (i just read it back to myself). Sorry i put you through this, but it is Friday and I must work.

a friend is a friend is a friend

It is a releif when i spill to you. It is a blessing to hear from you. It is a freind that I find in you.

Knowing i can tell you, knowing you will hear me, knowing that you care for me, and knowing that you'll swear at me.

Knowing that the truth may hurt,
Knowing that it is more than i might care to hear.

Releif when I confide in you.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

the female sportscar or a pair of thigh high boots

Well today I returned to my online shopping addiction. Nothing like a quick pick-me-up with the click of a mouse and the online credit card swipe. So today I devoured up a pair of thigh high boots in black suede with buckles up the leg and lets just say I cannot wait to put those babies on. 
Either a good pair of boots will help one get through the toughest of times.
In other notes working the next two nights but out with the ladies on saturday and looking forward to it.